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AHA Heartsaver Total CPR AED

Also for Caregivers that requires OSHA Compliant

  • 2 hours
  • 70 US dollars
  • Fort Pierce Training Center

Service Description

Heartsaver Total is designed for those requiring OSHA or other regulatory agency compliant training. After successfully completing the CPR AED portion of this course, students should be able to Describe how high-quality CPR improves survival Explain the concept of the Chain of Survival Recognize when someone needs CPR Describe how to perform CPR with help from others Demonstrate giving effective breaths by using mouth to mouth or a mask for all ages Demonstrate performing high-quality CPR for an adult, a child, and an infant Demonstrate using an AED on an adult and on a child Describe when and how to help a choking adult or child Demonstrate how to help a choking infant

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We have a No Refund Policy: To reschedule please contact our office no later than 10am the morning of class. You can call Monday -Friday between 9am -1:30pm (772) 828-2208 Please text the same number is it is after hours. Thank you.

Contact Details

  • 907 Avenue D, Fort Pierce, FL, USA


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